Key Tips For Cooler Temps
Energy is all around us, filling our days in forms we may not even realize. Here at the BioLite office, we’re all about exploring those different forms and finding ways use them to enhance our time outside.
Fall camping is here (YES!) and with that comes a shift in how we view energy outside – changes in temperature and daylight both have a profound impact on building an off-grid ecosystem. There's much more to consider than what you'll do without access to an outlet.
As you head out on your next fall adventure, keep these three forms of energy in mind:
Energy #1: YOU

That’s right, YOU. Your body is a personal furnace, working hard to keep you at a perfect 98.6 degrees. Fall camping puts this to the test with quick fluctuations in ambient temperature and humidity requiring you to walk a fine line between underdressing and overheating. And getting a chill on day one of a camping trip can leave you feeling drained for the rest of your trip so we recommend keeping your body happy with the following:
- Layers. We recommend a merino wool base layer that can keep you cool in hot conditions and warm in cold ones. The best layers can be kind of expensive but you can dirtbag it and wear the same one your whole trip – cheers to natural odor resistance!
- Sleeping pad. Pads aren’t just about making it easy to sleep on a root or a rock, they’re about providing critical insulation between you and the ground. The ground is COLD and if you’re laying on it all night directly, it’s going to suck your body temperature down.
- Watch the sweats. Sweating in the summertime is no big deal. Sweating in the fall can trip you up. If you’re exerting yourself on a hike or you find yourself overheated in a sleeping bag, strip your wet clothes off as soon as possible and change into something dry.
Energy #2: YOUR FUEL

That furnace (aka YOU) needs fuel to burn, making your food choices an important factor in your energy ecosystem. Treat your core right with a warm beverage at the start and end of your day (and if you pick the right mug, your hands will get a little warm up, too). Keep in mind that colder temperatures can alter cooking times so be sure to bring a little extra fuel and patience with you. A few tips:
- Watch the salt. Dehydrated meals might feel like an easy win but they’re often packed with sodium. Consider building your own dehydrated meals from scratch (our favorite hack: Ziploc bag of small shells + parmesan + sundried tomatoes = camp mac’n’cheese)
- Filters are lighter than water. Carry a filter and a platy bag so you don’t have to lug around water.
- Prep at home, cook onsite. Colder temps can mean stiff fingers and impaired agility – dicing with a sharp knife is asking for it. Chop up your stuff at home so you can focus on stirring and eating at your site.
Energy #3: YOUR LIGHT

In the summertime we take long days of sunlight for granted – in the fall light can fade quickly, leaving you with a dark campsite (or a dark hike home) much faster than you think. Here’s some lighting to think about:
- Know your sunsets. Before you head out, look up when the sun sets in your area – as the days get shorter, these can change pretty quickly.
- Think about social light. When the sun sets at 6:30pm, chances are you’re going to want to keeping hanging with your crew. Think about the lighting you want for things like group meals, card games, or just sitting around and talking. We recommend ditching the headlamps and going for overhead lighting. Friends don’t blind friends.
- Go red. Your eyes can do more than you think. If you’re looking to keep things low-key, say maybe to supplement the glow of a campfire, try red night mode on your lantern. It’ll preserve night vision and let you see the stars.
What other forms of energy do you think about when you head off-grid?
Let the BioLite Community know your favorite tips.
Shop the tips:
- Merino base layer: You can't go wrong with Icebreaker
- Sleeping pad: We're big Therm-a-rest fans
- Stay warm with hot meals and warm beverages: CampStove Bundle
- Ditch the headlamp: PowerLight Mini
- Nail your overhead lighting: PowerLight Bundle