Cookstove Adoption: HomeStove Sales Promoter Himanshu

Himanshu Sekhar Barik: Homestove Sales Promoter from Mayurbhanj India

Himanshu is one of the top HomeStove sales promoters in the state and routinely surpasses his monthly sales targets. An amateur magician in his spare time, he’s taken to incorporating elements of his performance into his sales and training demonstrations. A crowd favorite - lighting the HomeStove with an awe-inspiring flick of a match from 5 feet away! He travels his district giving stove demonstrations to potential customers, and meets with new HomeStove users to make sure they have received training on properly using the stove.

"Making sure our customers are happy with the stove is really important to me. I talk with all the local village agents regularly and ask them if there are any customers who aren’t using their HomeStove. I make sure I visit those customers within 15 days and ask them the reason that they do not use the BioLite stove regularly.

Most of time I find that it is a small issue of them not having received proper training, so I make a point of helping them prepare a meal with the BioLite stove to give them some training. These visits are actually helpful for making future customers - the rest of villagers see that we care about the happiness of our customers, and I frequently make more sales!"

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